Troy Reimschisel

Each month, ICBR honors one of its members in a special Member Spotlight. This month we recognize Troy Reimschisel, with Sperry Van Ness Parke Group

ICBR: Why are you an ICBR member? What do you look to gain out of your membership?

Troy Reimschisel 0693Reimschisel: I am an ICBR member because ICBR is the only 100% commercial real estate board/association of brokers in Indiana and my business focus is CRE. I also value the ICREX marketing and research tools, and networking among ICBR members in my district and statewide is beneficial for my clients and my business.

ICBR: Describe a time you used an ICBR member benefit, and how it helped you or your company.

Reimschisel: I can describe two:

1) I was contacted by a California broker because he saw my profile on ICREX and I won the listing on a property in Indiana owned by the broker’s California client; and,

2) by being an ICBR Board member and networking I met Drew Augustine and he referred me to a client of his and I recently won a sizable listing with that client.

ICBR: What designations/awards/recognition have you received?

Reimschisel: I consider it an honor to serve my fellow brokers in Northeast Indiana as their District 2 Representative on the ICBR Board for the past 3 years.

ICBR: How did you start your career in commercial real estate/development?

Reimschisel: I started investing in real estate in 2002 after being laid off by a management consulting firm. My father introduced me to David Norton, a CRE broker in Fort Wayne who then introduced me to a couple other brokers. One of those brokers, Bob Hudson, suggested that I get my real estate license and go to work as a CRE investment broker. The rest is history, as they say.

ICBR: Do you have any mentors? If so, who? How has he/she inspired you?

Reimschisel: I do not have anyone that I would call my official or formal “mentor”; but, my father has always inspired me because he is a great example of rising above his life circumstances to build a successful business and family. There are a few senior brokers in northeast Indiana and in the SVN network that I look to for advice and guidance when necessary. Above all, my personal relationship with and faith in Jesus Christ provides direction in my life and business.

ICBR: What is the most important thing you have learned by working in commercial real estate?

Reimschisel: The most important thing we can do as CRE professionals, indeed our most important duty, is to serve our clients to the very best of our ability and to always place our clients’ interest above our own.

ICBR: What is your current professional goal(s)?

Reimschisel: My current professional goal is to be the best commercial real estate advisor for my current and future clients that I can possibly be. I also strive to be a good ambassador for the CRE brokerage community. I do plan at some point to achieve the CCIM designation as a path to increase my knowledge and thus better serve clients.

ICBR: What is your most recent accomplishment?

Reimschisel: The most recent accomplishment that comes to mind has nothing to do with commercial real estate. Our 21-year old son just recently proposed to a wonderful, brilliant young lady from Lincoln, Nebraska. They plan to be married on Memorial Day weekend in 2016. It is interesting and a bit frightening to see our oldest child entering a new phase in life and realizing that means my wife and I are also entering a new phase in life – and, yes, getting older in the process. (Hopefully wiser too!)

ICBR: Special interests or hobbies?

Reimschisel: My wife and I enjoy investing a lot of time in our children’s activities and sports. I also love to read certain spy/espionage thrillers, business and investing books.

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