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Professional Standards

Adherence to the 17 Articles of the Code of Ethics distinguishes REALTORS® from real estate licensees. The Code spells out a higher standard of professional behavior in three categories:

  • Duties to Customers and Clients
  • Duties to the Public
  • Duties to other REALTORS®.

When joining ICBR, all REALTOR® members agree to the duties and obligations of the Code, and thereby are subject to penalty if found to be in violation of the Articles of the Code of Ethics. Training on the Code is included in our New Member Orientation. NAR also requires training on the Code for REALTORS® every three years. ICBR reminds members of this obligation and provides appropriate resources.

Indiana Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics
National Association of REALTORS® Resources

  1. Is your/the Broker a REALTOR®? Realtor Member Look Up
    • If yes, proceed to #2.
    • If no, contact the Office of the Attorney General
  2. Talk with your/the REALTOR® and/or their Managing Broker. If you cannot resolve, proceed to #3.
  3. File a complaint with the appropriate local REALTOR® association in which the individual is a member. See ‘File a Complaint Against a REALTOR®’ section below.

Ethics complaints may be filed by REALTORS® or members of the public. Ethics complaints serve to educate members as well as provide a disciplinary process when violations have occurred.

An ethics complaint should be made through the board in which the broker is a member. If the broker is a member of ICBR, please proceed with the steps below. Realtor Member Look Up

In order to file a complaint, you will need the following forms:


Mediation is offered to assist members in resolving commission disputes. Mediation is mandatory per the ICBR Board of Directors adopted policy. However a decision is not imposed upon the parties. Rather, it provides a forum for members to work together toward a mutually agreeable decision.

No Losers in Mediation


REALTORS® have an obligation under the Code of Ethics to arbitrate commission disputes through ICBR, rather than filing litigation to resolve the matter. If a dispute is found to be arbitral by ICBR, a hearing panel will award the disputed commission based on a determination of procuring cause.

In order to file a request for arbitration, you will need the following form:

Request for Arbitration Form

If you need to file a complaint against a non-REALTOR®, licensee, you can do so through the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (IPLA)/IN Attorney Genera’s Office. The IPLA regulates all professional licenses and their standards within the State of Indiana. A complete list of their responsibilities and how to file a complaint can be found here.  A common violation to submit directly to IPLA would be the practice of real estate by an out-of-state, unlicensed broker.

ICBR Professional Standards Committee

ICBR offers its members and their clients a way to economically expedite ethics complaints and/or arbitration requests without going to court. The ICBR Professional Standards Committee deals with ethics complaints that are brought before the board to give both parties involved the opportunity to be educated about the NAR Code of Ethics and to be judged by their peers in the real estate industry.

To learn more about the ICBR Professional Standards Committee or to submit an ethics complaint, contact Lisa Moore or call the ICBR offices at 317.328.5259.