Drew Augustin, CCIM, SIOR

Each month, ICBR honors one of its members as Member of the Month. This month, we recognize ICBR’s newest board member, Drew Augustin, CCIM, SIOR. Learn more about Drew below:

ICBR: Why are you an ICBR member? What do you look to gain out of your membership?

Augustin: I want to be a team player with an interest in trying to make our commercial board of REALTORS® better and more highly regarded by all its members.  With more collective participation we should be able to build a stronger machine that will help members grow and mature which in time will benefit all of us to get to the next level of commercial brokerage success.

ICBR: What designations/awards/recognition have you received from the industry?

Augustin: I carry two designations, Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) and Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS (SIOR).  I have had leadership roles as President of four organizations, including  the Indiana CCIM Chapter, the Indiana SIOR Chapter, the Building Owners and Managers Association of Indianapolis (BOMA – Indianapolis) and the Past-President of NAI Olympia Partners LTD.

Industry recognition includes ICBR’s Commercial REALTOR® of the Year in 2000, BOMA’s Active Member of the Year also in 2000 and Forty over Forty by Midwest Real Estate News.  Opportunities to serve include past positions within ICBR’s committees and 12 years on BOMA -Indianapolis’s Board of Directors.

ICBR: How did you start your career in commercial real estate?

Augustin: I pulled a 3 x 5 card from an IUPUI campus bulletin board soliciting employment for a financial analysis position in a company called MS Management.  Later I found the company to be Melvin Simon Management, the property management division for what was becoming the country’s largest developer of enclosed shopping malls.  Twelve of us provided centralized property management for all the shopping centers across the country.

ICBR: Do you have any mentors? If so, who? How has he/she inspired you?

Augustin: My father was my first mentor, showcasing honesty and strong family values. Also, Bob Hauk, CFO of the early F.C. Tucker Company, who encouraged discipline, organization and accountability.

ICBR: What is the most important thing you have learned by working in commercial real estate?

Augustin: The need for “trustworthiness,” as major company decisions are impacted by the information we collect, counsel that we give and the network solutions that we as commercial realtors provide, affecting a company financially and the lives of their employees.

ICBR: What is your current professional goal(s)?

Augustin: Serving with ICBR’s Board leadership is my last big board participation.  I enjoy mentoring younger professionals and sharing my experiences.  Serving on local special interest committees helps me continue to learn new ways of finding successful solutions for my clients and friends.  Real estate brokerage is in my blood so full retirement is not in any immediate plans.


Check back next month to learn about December’s ICBR Member of the Month!

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